These past few months I seem to get lots of questions about Haiti and what its like to live here full-time. Especially as an American girl living in Haiti many people often ask the question, "Is it safe?," which honestly I have to say is not my favorite question. Its not my favorite because I truly believe being "safe" isn't the life God has called Christians to, I know God brings situations into each of our lives to grow closer to him and further from the worlds agenda. The word safe to me really means I am safest in God's will and I believe His will for me is to live at the guesthouse in Port-au-Prince Haiti.
In the past few months we have made many changes and have been able to help things flow easier here at the guesthouse. There are still several more projects that need work; from painting jobs to new hires but I am so grateful to be able to work alongside some of the most faithful and diligent workers I've ever met. Haiti isn't the place where everything gets done exactly when you want it done but man somehow God finds a way to make things happen just when we need them to.
Enormously Blessed by:
-watching Jean constantly working, I truly wonder if he ever sleeps?
-witnessing the love Jeff has for the people of Haiti--his heart is the real deal!
-willingness of Maxim to be anywhere at anytime to help us out!
-listening and understanding of Karen Moen whenever issues arise
-prayers from the mission team/board members throughout this experience
-encouragement given by family and friends that sincerely believe the work being done in both the states and Haiti and for its eternal significance.
I feel so fulfilled by the stories that I get to hear each week by working at the guesthouse and the living power that our Father still has today. So blessed! There are days when work may seem heavy but I know that God has called me and that he will see this through. I am so honored to be entrusted with these responsibilities and grateful for the opportunity to work in Haiti. For those that are considering a trip to Haiti but are on the fence I want you to know it truly has changed my life and I do believe its one of the best decisions I've made, to take the leap of faith and serve Him. Come! I know a place you can stay :)
Special birthday shout out to my sister CAROLINE who turns 21 tomorrow! So proud of you sister and the woman you have become! Hope you enjoy your birthday in South Carolina on the beach! Love you.
Elisa Laura
A little JB