Friday, December 4, 2015

Good Good Father

You're a good good father. its who you are, its who you are, its who you are, and I'm loved by you

I first heard this song at the beginning of the summer from a worship team at the guesthouse. Then at the Global Leadership Summit, Bill Hybels introduced the song with two other worship songs. I often find myself repeating these lyrics in my mind and am reminded of the good good father that I have.

He is good and he loves us immeasurably more than we can imagine. In so many ways I can relate to this song because I have an earthly father that loves me. He knows me, he cares for me and is willing to walk with me in times that are good and times that are difficult.

I have been reading a book Forgotten God by Francis Chan with some amazing women. I love how the truths found in this book have power in our lives today. In one of the video segments, Francis describes the relationship with each of his children. How he loves them differently, each in a way that matters most to them. Our Heavenly father knows each of us by name, how we desire to be loved and how we feel valued. This is how I feel. I know my Heavenly father loves me in a way that speaks to who I am. He knows me, he loves me and he loves me in a way that matters most to me. 

 Grace Village, has the responsibilty of over 40 children we are called to care for them as the father cares for his children. To know what makes them laugh. To find that smile, squint or smirk. I know when I am at Grace, I will try in any way to love the kids in a way that makes them know they are valued. Sometimes that means my hair gets some crazy dos, I learn all about some awesome soccer move that Messi recently demonstrated in a game and constantly hear Gade'M or Watch Me because they want me to see them. I want them to know how incredible they are and how valuable they are.
Just one of my subscribed Youtube Channels :)

When children know that no matter where they go, or what they do, they will be loved. This is transformative. I know when I truly know that I too am valuable and that my father loves me, I am capable of more and have the ability to change the world around me. 

Karyn Purvis and the Texas Christian University Child Development Program demonstrates how we can show children they are precious and loved. What a blessing it has been to show this love to the kids at Grace Village. Its been over 15 months since the Grace Kids moved into their family homes. They know their parents love them, care for them and will provide for them. Parenting is one of the hardest jobs, but it gives the greatest reward. James 1:27 is simple in its command "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress.." This is our call. This is what we get to do. 

Family is a blessing from our father. It demonstrates the Heavenly connection we have to our perfect father.  "The World is a better place when the family is strengthened" Healing Haiti's purpose statement has been demonstrated in families that live at grace, the families in the areas we serve and in my own family. My own family has been to Haiti several times on holidays, vacations and extended trips. Haiti has had an effect on each of us. I know the blessings continue to come as my own brother and sister-in-law will be parents this spring!

God, you are a good good father. Its who you are. My prayer is that each of us would know how truly loved we are by the father. Whether we have a supportive family on earth or not. Our Heavenly Father knows our preciousness and wants us a part of his family. 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Loving This Life

Grateful for the blessing of today, for staff that are dedicated to our kiddos, for laughs and for the hearts of those that love this beautiful country.

This past week I was blessed to be able to go to Kaliko resort with our Spring Interns. Truly what a blessing. To be together and enjoy each other, life as missionaries and the beauty that Haiti has to offer. 

Lately I have been blessed to be able to stay for longer periods of time at Grace Village. This has helped me improve my creole :), spend time with some amazing kiddos and deepen relationships with staff. 

Photo from friends in Haiti

Even though there are some tough days. I know this has where God has called me, for that I am so grateful. Each day the Lord reveals who He is through my weakness. My love for the people of Haiti, the country and the potential that has, has only grown since my first trip July 2012. 

Looking forward to the Lord's hand in the upcoming months. What a blessing to know the Lord is working in real ways. To live amongst those with a passion for service. This evening I am reminded of the blessings even in the little things. Little hands, little smiles and little eyes that glisten. 

What a blessing to be a part of what God is doing in Haiti. 


Elisa Laura

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

2015 is an exciting year for Healing Haiti. I am excited to see where the Lord continues to lead and guide. I know personally 2014 was a tough year and as I continue to learn who I am in Christ I am eager to see how He unfolds the future. 2014 brought about a lot of change, good change and some difficult change. I am grateful for another year in Haiti, to serve alongside both missionaries and staff. To see God put his blessing over his people, to see faithful men and women rise and call Him blessed. In August, I was honored to have Michael and Kristine put together a fundraiser at the barn.

I was humbled that more than 5 people showed up :) Honestly, I am so grateful to have such loving friends and family. Living as an expat is not easy and truly at times people can be hurtful. So to have so many people come and celebrate what God is doing was such an amazing feeling. Later in August I had the opportunity to meet some amazing missions in Haiti along with Chris Tomlin at the Songs for Freedom concert. What a blessing to see and meet those that desire to see Haiti rise above in the coming years!

This past fall I was given the opportunity to attend TBRI's conference in Texas. I was able to learn about caring for children and am excited to see where the TBRI's partnership with Healing Haiti will lead.

I am grateful to have been in my friend Angie's wedding this past November and watch and she married her best friend. To be able to spend time with long time friends and be a part of her special day, truly blessed!

Blessing to have my family serve again in Haiti alongside the Nelson and Stoebner family over Thanksgiving.

At the beginning of the year I was able to attend Passion Conference with Angie and Denice. I am honored to call both of these women friends. One year at Pensacola and we were set for life.

2015 continues to look promising. Please continue to pray for Healing Haiti for the people that we have the opportunity to serve and for the country. Pray that the leadership of Haiti would come to know the Lord as their personal Savior. Pray that goers and those we serve alongside would live lives of complete surrender to the Lord. I am asking that you pray for me in the position that I am able to have within Healing Haiti. Pray that the Lord would grant me wisdom in decision making and that as difficulties come forth I would be reminded of who I serve.

Blessings to each and everyone of you.

Love from Haiti,


Sunday, January 4, 2015

Am I enough?

Something I have struggled with for years. Whether it was friendships, family, work or general life. I think the devil wants believers to struggle with this question. He wants us to believe that we aren't enough and that God can't use us in the grand scheme of His plan. This lie is something the devil is feeding believers to believe He doesn't love them. That somehow God's own children aren't enough for their father.

Ephesisans 2:4-5 says; "But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, evenwhen we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ— by grace you have been saved"

God loves us with a love that is something we will never be able to imagine. Living in Haiti and being responsible for over 40 children at Grace Village has made it easier for me to understand a parents love. I want each of our children to understand they are loved, safe and cared for. If any of them ever doubted my love for them that would kill me. To me its just a glimpse of God's love for me. 

When I doubt his love, doubt that I am enough that hurts him. His heart is for me to succeed. Apart from Him I am not enough, but as His child I am MORE THAN ENOUGH. 

I am grateful for the opportunity to serve in Haiti and to be a part of what God is doing. When the devil whispers in my ear I'm not enough I need to remember that God designed me to be exactly to be the person He wants me to be. 

Praying that today and in the days to come that each of you know how great the Father's love for you. His desire for good for His children.


Elisa Laura