This past Sunday was my 3 month mark in Haiti and my birthday! Lots to celebrate. I had a great week with the EBC worship team and Rockpoint women's group, both churches so special to me. Very eventful!!
About a week after I returned to Haiti from the outerbanks my toe/foot continued to bother me so I decided to get it checked out, turns out that it was broken from my time in the obx and it just needs to be taped up for support. Dr. Sem our doctor at Grace village was kind enough to tape it.
Last week everyday was busy whether running between the two teams, working with some new ministry opportunities but also going through some key improvements that will be happening at the guesthouse.
It was so nice to have Saturday and Sunday be fun days. Saturday was the concert at grace village with the worship team and Sunday was birthday celebration on the balcony.
Having lived in Haiti for over 3 months I've definitely had moments where I wander what I'm doing here and why God has me here. There's a few things I'm beginning to understand: 1. God knows the right message/email/person that I need to encourage me and strengthen my faith. 2. When I get frustrated I need to seek God and make Joy an intentional part of my life because if I don't make it intentional I will be the one that suffers, as well as those around me. 3. I am able to work with some of the most hard working/dedicated individuals. Last week 3 board members were in Haiti and man were each of them busy! Honestly I have been so blessed by just observing them and watching as they serve.
I know it's not always easy to communicate my thankfulness to all those that continue to cover this ministry in prayer and support. I am grateful and I wish there were more hours in a day to tell everyone how encouraging they have been. As I learn to be ok with not getting everything done in one day, I will get better at communicating. To friends and family that I have been lacking know that I love you and know how truly thankful I am for you!
Elisa Laura
So happy! I'm glad to hear you got your toe fixed-I remember when it happened :) I hope you got all your birthday messages and that the others are doing well, I love your blog!