Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Completely His

Loving Jesus without Limits, learning to love like Jesus loves. Shannon Ethridge has written many books for women. One book that I've read a few times is the series Completely His. She writes in her book, three truths that I need to be reminded of...

The first, God doesn't call the equipped, He equips the called.
The second, our fears do not change God's plans, but understanding God's plans can change our fears. Third, accomplishing great things for God doesn't require great talent, only great faith in Him.

I just love this..I love how no matter what I say or do the love God has for me is constant. He knows me and loves me just the same.

We are His chosen people, we are called by His name.

Listening to a sermon from Evelation Church in their series about the unqualified. Stephen tells the story of Sarai and her maid servant Hagar. The story has been on my mind for the last week. This story of trying to do life our way without really relying on God.

Sarai (Sarah) knew that God promised to give her children, yet in her old age she couldn't understand how God was going to do this.
-- For me I often have similar thoughts; God I'm going to be 26 soon, when is this having a relationship and starting to date thing going to start. 
God promises that He will provide, He will give us the desires of our heart. Sarai wanted to "help" God out so instead of waiting and following his guidelines she sends her maid servant Hagar to her husband and she becomes pregnant. Of course this stirs up jealously and isn't a real solution to her problem of wanting a child.

I love the pastor's take on this dynamic. There's Sarai that is yearning for this child, something she's prayed for. Then there's Hagar she is pregnant yet didn't ask for this, instead she doesn't want to be in the position of giving birth to her master's child. Both women are not happy with the situation. One has something they didn't ask for, the other wants what they don't have. So often as humas this is how life tends to be.

There are people in the world praying for the very thing that you and I take for granted every day. 

This truth I'm reminded of daily while living in Haiti but something that I never want to forget. This life that I have been given is such a gift. In times where I wish for more, grander or greater I want to keep in my mind that God knows me. He knows the desires of my heart and just as He knows every hair on my head He knows me.

Hope everyone is enjoying the week as it leads into Easter. What a joy that we are able to celebrate that Jesus was raised from the dead and that Sunday is coming!

1 comment:

  1. Elisa you are so wise beyond your years and so gracious with your acts of selflessness.
