Sunday, April 27, 2014

How often do I say, "I'll pray for you?"

This blog post has been on my mind for quite awhile and really has been heavy on my heart. This honesty and rawness is something that isn't easy for me as I often want to know all the right answers and the do all the right things but I need to be honest and open so that God can truly work on my heart. The thought is; how often do I tell people, "I'll pray for you?" I will say a quick prayer in the moment but unless I'm reminded again I often find myself just making that one prayer. How is it that others can be so open and honest with me about the depths of their prayers?

Naturally I am not one to ask for prayer requests. I remember in college we had prayer group and I found it easy to ask for prayers for friends, family, or maybe even an upcoming test--but REAL NEEDS? PERSONAL STRUGGLES? That seemed like something that was only between me and God. However God has called each of us to pray for each other. I read an article in the Christian Post that answers the question about hesitating to ask others for prayer. Such good insight into even the apostle Paul asking for prayers. God has designed each of us in a unique way but we are made to create relationships and bonds with others, prayer--honest heartfelt prayers--are a way that we are able to connect spiritually with those around us.

In high school for a brief time I put a bunch of notes on my wall trying to remember to pray for the things/people around me. As I often find myself forgetting this was a great way to remind myself of others needs and prayers. I think sometimes God ignites in us thoughts and ideas as kids that we really don't understand until later. Maybe this is my later? :)

Luke 12:48 is a verse that reminds me about the wealth that God has given me as an American, is something that I will be accountable for. I want to be a good steward of the prayers that others have entrusted me with. To take these prayers and requests to heart and to pray over those I come into contact with. So often I am blessed with the ability to meet some of the most generous people and I feel humbled to be near them, to witness staff give everyday while on the field with the teams--see team members coming back to Haiti and creating real bonds with the people they meet--donors that are financially making projects in Haiti exist--and for prayers...mountains and mountains of prayers that have been said all over Haiti and the US for those with abundance and those in poverty--prayers that lost souls would be found.

Those old notes that I wrote as a young girl living at 1801 is something that I want to continue. To write notes in a journal and be reminded to pray for those around me, not just in the moment but continue to pray over the needs of others.


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